Friday, March 23, 2012


We can not say Thank You enough...You are all the foundation that she stands upon. Thank you for believing in our cause and loving our beautiful Carmela.

Here are some of the notes and inspirational words that people have been sending us through their donations.

March 19, 2012 - March 23, 2012

"We Love You, RySol = )" – Marisol Lara

"My prayers out to you LA" - John Sarmiento

"I know it's not much...but hopefully it helps :) <3"– M Christine Rongavilla

"You are in our prayers La...God bless and be with you always! Xoxo" - Mark & Char

"Carmela, you are in my thoughts & prayers. I know you are a strong woman & you of all
people will beat this! Much love & positive energy coming your way!" – Jennifer Duran

"A little something from Kaye and Lee. We Heart La!"

"WeheartLA! No one more selfless in the world. Even through her own pain she was
always there for me listening to my little issues. La has the special way of making every person feel like the most important person in the world. Thank u la for everything. U are our everything!!! 153 637 823 5254." – Gar

"This is just the start. I strongly believe in this cause to save La's life & I WILL give what I can whenever I can. La, you got this girl! Tons of peeps pullin for ya, from NorCal 2 SoCal!! Keep the faith & hope, sweetie! It's been a long time since I've seen you & I hope to see ya soon! Take care!" – Myrabel Balina

"From an old friend of Chris'. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Carmela." - Best, Kiyra Denise Henderson (Paulo)

"Just sending you a little love and support!!! My prayers go out to you La!!! Stay strong and fight girl!!! Wishing you all the best!!" ~Stacey Hashimoto

"I dont think I have ever met La but I've seen the messages through FB. It's not much but hoping you all can raise what you need. God Bless!" – Tricia DelRosario

"Our thoughts and prayers are with you la. Stay positive." - Love, Joey Solinap

"My first donation of a few. I wanted to give as much as I could. I'm transferring more money right now. We heart LA simply because we do. No one should have to go through his disease without support. You're amazing, girl. Keep fighting, I'm behind you."
- Gabriel R

"we heart LA" – Lindsey Reyes

"Chris and family, My heart goes out to you. Here is a small token to support your
journey. Bueno suerte." -Eric Deinzer

"Hi, I am a mother of two & can't imagine what you and your family are going through. I don't know Carmella personally and I know this donation is not much but I do hope that it will help some. Best wishes and God Bless! Carmella, you are truly blessed with people who love you so much!!" -Miriam Luna

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carmela, First and for most my family and I are praying that through God's will you find the strength and courage to fight this battle! We have sent in a donation in your honor because we want you to get the Best Treatment possible so you can become healthy once again! Lastly, We have been amazed by all the Love and support that your friends and family have shown and are doing for you! You are truly blessed and we know that through the power of prayer anything is possible!!!! God Bless you and your family Always ~ Hugs & Love the Nowrangi Family
